Web Thing Protocol

WebSocket Sub-protocol

This document defines a WebSocket sub-protocol called the Web Thing Protocol, for monitoring and controlling connected devices over the World Wide Web. The Web Thing Protocol is intended as a dedicated real-time protocol for the Web of Things, to enable a WoT Consumer to communicate with one or more WoT Things over a WebSocket connection.


This document defines a WebSocket [[WEBSOCKETS]] sub-protocol for monitoring and controlling connected devices over the Web.

The Web of Things (WoT) is a collection of standardised technology building blocks that help provide interoperability on the Internet of Things (IoT). The WoT Thing Description specification [[wot-thing-description11]] defines a metadata format for describing the capabilities of "Things" (connected devices) on the Web. The WoT Discovery specification [[wot-discovery]] defines mechanisms for discovering Things on the Web. This specification complements those building blocks by defining a dedicated real-time protocol for communicating with Things over the Web.

WebSockets [[WEBSOCKETS]] provide a way to upgrade a standard HTTP [[HTTP11]] request to a full-duplex, persistent, real-time communication channel over a single TCP connection. This can be used to create a versatile and efficient two-way channel with which a WoT Consumer can communicate with one or more Things [[wot-architecture11]] to carry out the full set of WoT operations. However, since a WebSocket is essentially just a raw TCP socket with no semantics of its own, a sub-protocol needs to be defined in order for a Consumer and Thing to communicate.

Whilst many other WebSocket sub-protocols exist, what makes the Web Thing Protocol unique is that it is specifically designed around the Web of Things information model and set of operations [[wot-thing-description11]], as well as being targeted specifically at Web of Things use cases [[wot-usecases]]. It can therefore be thought of as being native to the Web of Things.

The sub-protocol defines message payload formats for each of the well-known operation types defined in the WoT interaction model [[wot-architecture11]], and other messages needed for WebSocket communication.

This specification is intended to complement deliverables of the WoT Working Group, including WoT Architecture [[wot-architecture11]], WoT Thing Description [[wot-thing-description11]], WoT Discovery [[wot-discovery]], WoT Binding Templates [[wot-binding-templates]] and WoT Profile [[wot-profile]]. It is intended to implement use cases and requirements defined in the Web Thing Protocol Use Cases & Requirements community report.

Whilst this document is not on a standards track, the Web Thing Protocol is intended to eventually join a standards track at the W3C or another standards body such as the IETF.


Fundamental WoT terminology such as Thing or Web Thing, Consumer or WoT Consumer, WoT Thing Description or Thing Description, Interaction Model, Interaction Affordance, Property, Action and Event are defined in the Terminology section of the WoT Architecture specification [[wot-architecture11]].

WebSocket Connection

Protocol Handshake

WebSocket Re-use

WebSocket Messages




Other Messages

Example Thing Descriptions

Privacy Considerations

Security Considerations

Accessibility Considerations

IANA Considerations